Jesus’ Prophesy IS;
YHVH’S hidden
formats in the bible
YV’S (YHVH’S) hidden formats in the bible, reveal HIS TRUE TRUTHS & Jesus’ True Life
Jesus’ Prophesy has been Fulfilled in your days
YV (YHVH) MADE me WITNESS Jesus Exists.
now i am able to reveal, as Jesus Prophesy, ‘a Witness of Me, with a Spirit for Truth, Will Tell the Truth about Me’
YV’S (YHVH’S) EVERLASTING PROMISE to man has rules for the worlds 1st “Word Empirical Evidence”
YVS_hidden_ formats_rules
link below IS Jesus’ Prophesy
text with maps
showing the steps of editing i done
all books showing every edit in a zip file. these pdfs are in stages to review the steps taken to reveal. click on
the videos i am live posting on my youtube channel (michael eashoo) are for a historical record of; my thinking, for the editing i done. for finding the first writers formats hidden in the hebrew text. this proves the hebrew text in the bible was re edited by true atheists. just read the 1611 preface to the 1611 kj and see the translators call gregory the “Divine”.
1st writers hidden formats in the hebrew text
done for now : part 2 pieces from King Azar to king amom and the end of the nation israel pdf combined new books Isaiah
Isaiah zipped pdfs # Isaiah re ordered for combining
Psalms zipped pdf Psalms
part 1 i think its done from King Josiah to their returning to the Promised Land pdf ~ days for Josiah to the Returning survivors
this is the dirty secret of how many different words ARE used for 1 hebrew word
you have been deceived, there are 12 COMMANDMENTS
again, you have been deceived. there is no true list of names for the 12 disciples