my name is michael eashoo.  i am declaring to the reader; our CREATOR MADE me see HIM 8 times.
  this means i know; we were CREATED, we have a soul, and will live forever.

  i have been Sent By Jesus, as His Helper, to reveal to you the true truths about Jesus.

  did you know Jesus Defined WHAT IS HOLY SPIRIT? they don’t want you to know these verses, because Jesus Teaches “no trinity.”  see images at the bottom. 


Jesus’ Words about the Helper
see images at the bottom

  in the late 1980’s i found 2 verses in psalms 78 that were out of order: verses 15 & 20.
  by placing the 1st 25 verses in a word processor. i found, by re editing the text; there is a format that: 1) corrected the order. 2) removed words. 3) the text was easier to read and understand. (click for > ) Psalms 78

  these formats were not repeatable by “rules.” they were found by them revealing themselves. then corrected by my knowledge GIVEN TO me by our CREATOR.

  my videos show you how i edited them. and explain my reasons for ever word i used in all 32 books.
  then i placed the stories in order to make 1 book.

  i have posted my editing videos (over 600+) for you to know my thoughts. these are posted on (click > ) my youtube channel

  have you ever read the 1611 preface to the bible? and read the translator’s words:  
  they were happy when ‘the 1st emperor of roman‘ over ruled our CREATOR’S  YEAR. (that starts on the summer solstice)
  or read their words? giving gregory the title, “the Divine”?
  or read your reward for studying the bible is ‘to have a fellowship with the saints’ and eat a fruit “every month.”
  to download the 1611 preface, that i have marked-up. click > 1611-preface

  do you know? the church fathers made writings (doctrines) to tell you what the text does not mean literally. but to teach you (click for > ) Jesus as a mythos